Quit Smoking
Congratulations! You have decided to quit the smoking. There are many reasons to quit the smoking first and foremost it is not good for your health.

Smoking creates destruction in your body like high blood pressure and cholesterol level, heart attack and decrease the level of oxygen in your blood.
It is very tough action for smoker to quit smoking. Majority of smokers want to quit smoking but it is very difficult to get rid from nicotine because it is very addictive.
Here are some tips if you follow them you can easily quit smoking:
- Preparing yourself for quitting the smokes. It’s not very easy but you have to believe on yourself that you can quit because you have motivation and determination to quit smoking.
- People start smoking for relaxation and reduce stress. Try to reduce your stress. You can keep.
- Busy yourself in some activities.
- Your friends and family can play very important role in this regard. You can ask them to support your decision.
- Take guidance from your doctor about quitting the smoking.
- Plan an exercise programme. Exercise is the best way to provide you relief from stress. It will help your body to recover the damages from smoking.
- Inhale fresh air through your nose hold it few second and then exhale it very slowly from your mouth.
- Remove all tobacco, cigarettes from your home and car.
- You must anticipate the challenges that you will face while quitting the smoking.
- Do not take too much coffee.
- When you quit smoking it carry some unpleasant physical side effect like trouble sleeping, headache and increase in appetite but don’t worry these symptoms will reduce in 1 or 2 week.
Wish you all the best in your efforts to quit the smoking. It’s difficult but not impossible.