Unwanted Thoughts
The human mind is one of those uncontrolled organ of our body which thinks of many different things in a day either we want to think or not. Have you ever considered that how the unwanted thoughts are created in your mind and why can’t you control them for occurring in your mind.

The unwanted thoughts or we can say the meaningless thoughts are sometimes really annoying as they distract us from all that work which we are performing and some time they are so funny that we unintentionally starts laughing even we are facing quite a serious situation.
In terms of psychology it has been believed that the unwanted thoughts came to our minds because of obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) or because of childhood traumas even if you have such problems still getting rid of these thoughts is not a big issue. Here I am going to give you some ideas that can help you in getting rid of the unwanted thoughts and this article has been put together after some personal experiences and you’ll find it truly affective for you.
- First of all try to be completely defensive towards those thoughts, if your life is full of strange unwanted thoughts then no need to worry! You are not alone to be having this problem as there is a huge majority of people who are facing such problem. Just make it a rule whenever your mind starts working towards the unwanted things and thoughts then you have to change your thinking at once and start some new topic in mind. This method is also called the distraction way in which you pay attention towards something else.
- Whatever you are doing in your daily routine, you have to pay complete attention towards that work as when you’ll completely focus on that work then there would be no place in your mind for those annoying unwanted thoughts.
- If you don’t have an important task to perform and you are free then you should indulge yourself into some kind of other activity like watching TV or playing game or women can handle such situation by starting to cook something new for their family. Remember that the thoughts only arise because you mind is set to Free State and you should never set your mind to be free.
- The stress is another major factor that gives rise to the Emotions and overcoming stress is not a difficult task you just have to be positive. Positive thinker finds goodness in every situation and this thing keeps him away from those thoughts that can only destroy his senses and nothing else.
- You can also stay away from the unwanted thoughts with the help of exercise, when you mind start getting diverted towards some old memories or just the thoughts that can affect your work then start doing some physical activity like walking or running and your mind will get refreshed.
So these were some of the tips that can help you in getting away from the bad past memories or other unnecessary thoughts that affects your mind and also the work you are actually performing in your life.